Posted on: April 2, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 4
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OK, it’s happened. I’m bummed and this week has sucked. Thankfully, everyone in my family is still healthy, so I hate complaining when I know so many people are terrified after a recent diagnosis or mourning the loss of loved ones… So I’m sorry to be negative. I was A-OK last week. In fact, Jim and I went to hike the Chancellorsville Battlefield on Sunday and I was thinking, “Alright, I can do this.” Then, the stay at home order was issued a day later. No more battlefield hikes.

In an effort to focus on the positives, I decided to take today to acknowledge some of the things that I took for granted before and will never, ever again. Sunnier days are around the corner friends! God-willing, we’ll be there again soon.

Date nights

Even though Jim and I are still seeing each other through this social distancing time, I look forward to being able to go out in DC or just to our neighborhood hibachi place. I look forward to going to dinner with other couples or grabbing an ice cream cone after dinner. I look forward to cupcakes and fresh cut flowers and arguing over which appetizer to get. Sigh. It’s going to be so great.

Seeing friends

Even though a large portion of them have left DC (I’m looking at you, Tina), the occasional girls’ night are wonderful and irreplaceable. I’ve loved sharing guac with the girls, doing a workout class followed by a boozy brunch, swimming in luxurious hotel spa pools, Buckeyes games, and spontaneous happy hours.


It doesn’t take a genius to know that I adore travel. Whether it be to visit my friends around the country, traveling for work, meeting up with Jim on a work trip, or running home to Cleveland to see my family, I thrive off of being on the go. I like flying on planes. I like seeing the world from above. I love eating new foods in unfamiliar places and drinking drinks with sweet friends who I don’t get to see often. I like buying stuff I don’t need from local shops and sipping unique roasts in local coffee shops (which brings me to my next point).

Working at coffee shops.

This might sound silly, but I work from home under normal circumstances and sometimes, you just NEED a change of scenery. Welp, that’s not an option these days and I am so excited for when it is an option.

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4 People reacted on this

  1. I can totally relate to this! Some days (or weeks!) are harder than others, but I try to take things one day at a time and look forward to things like this! It also always helps to know that others are feeling the same things. Thanks for sharing ♥

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