Posted on: June 6, 2019 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 2
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I would first of all like to wish everyone a memorable 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Many of us would not be here without it, and let us never forget the amazing sacrifices many of the men from our grandparents’ generation who made incredible, sometimes the ultimate, sacrifices.

I have intentionally kept quiet when it comes to politics on this blog.. That was not the case in old blogs of mine, but I worked at a fairly progressive school and thought it best to just not write about it for a time. Now that I’m not longer working at said progressive school, I feel as though I’m about due for a post on politics. Know that my intention in writing this is not to offend anyone. My intention, in fact, is just the opposite. I feel as though many of us conservatives have been sorely misrepresented in recent years because a select group of conservatives have given us a bad name. Many of us have felt like we’ve had to be silent to save ourselves from hateful attacks. It’s like we’ve lost the art of dialogue, and I see that as a major problem.

Here I’ll debunk seven common myths about conservatives. Thanks for giving it a read.

We’re old fashioned

Do I love when Jim holds the door for me? Of course, but that’s not because I am incapable of opening doors. Believing that men and women can be equal but bring distinct qualities to the world does not make us old-fashioned. It just means we appreciate what each of the two genders bring. There was recently a viral video of a sweet toddler in a carseat who was going on a rant about the fact that Jasmine “needed” Aladdin to see the world. Why can’t Jasmine go by herself? she posed. While I, and most conservative women, certainly agree that Jasmine could and should be able to go on all the magic carpet rides she damn well pleases, we also acknowledge something that is more than a little taboo to mention- it’s a lot more fun with your love. Which brings me to my next point…

We hate women.

This one really gets to me. While, yes, most women (around 56% according to the most recent Pew study) do register as Democrat, that does not mean that those of us chicks on the Right are self-deprecating. Many of us are career driven and articulate. When it comes to abortion, there is even divide on the Right as to whether or not it’s the government’s job to mandate the legality of it. For me, I would try vehemently to talk anyone in an unplanned pregnancy out of abortion and offer any assistance I can to save the baby before I go lobby Congress. In my opinion, the change of heart happens on a micro level.

As far as the #metoo movement goes, I personally think it’s important to talk about and bring to light the amount of women who have tragically been sexually harassed. The reason I have not jumped on the #metoo train, even though I was very much discriminated against for being a single woman in the work place, is because (like many things of late), it’s been taken way too far. I love men, and I know there are millions amazing ones out there including but not limited to: my boyfriend, my dad, my (grand)Papa, my uncles, countless amazing colleagues I’ve had over the years, the fantastic guys my friends have married or are dating, friends from church, friends from college, and the list goes on and on. The #metoo movement, in my opinion, has villianized all men to the point that any kind gesture in the work place can easily be misconstrued for sexual harassment. I know several men who are absolutely paranoid to even go to work happy hours anymore because they’re afraid of being accused of something. Are the majority of the allegations against men legitimate? Yes, I think so. Are there women who have lied about it? Unfortunately, I know for a fact that this is sometimes true.

We all love Trump.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Many of us cringe any time he says yet another not-thought-about zinger. The whole “grab her by the p*ssy” thing? Disgraceful and disgusting. I don’t know the exact percentage, but I would be willing to bet that very few women voted for Trump in the 2016 primaries. I certainly didn’t. However, when posed with the choice between Hillary Clinton, who was essentially an offshoot of Obama*, I, and many other conservatives, felt that Trump was the lesser of two evils. Is he a loose cannon? Yes. Do we like being associated with him? No. Is he, however, doing amazing things for the economy? Yes, and at the end of the day, that’s a large part (NOT THE ONLY THING) of what matters.

* Obama’s policies destroyed work ethic in many parts of the country and my family has been directed affected by this. Does he seem like a cool dude? Sure, but I want you to know that my distain for his policies directly affect me and my family. It’s not only the fact that he’s a Democrat.

We all own guns.

I don’t, but my neighbor who is my pal does, so please don’t rob me. Maybe some day, but at this stage of life, I have no desire to get one. Have I been to the shooting range? Yes. Is it super fun? Yes.

Second Amendment rights stem from our Founding Fathers’ desire to prevent a totalitarian state. The Right’s desire to preserve this amendment does not mean we love gun violence or relish in school shootings. Gun violence is just as devastating to us as it is anyone. However, we do believe that responsible people should be able to carry, as that is a right afforded to us by the Constitution.

We’re Anti-Progress

Nope. We’re totally fine with progress as long as the Constitution is not being violated in making the change. Also, fun little fact that many people have forgotten: The Constitution can be amended. It’s a lengthy process, but it can be done. Did you know that Prohibition was a Constitutional amendment? Remember that the Constitution can be changed next time you crack open a perfectly legal beer, K?

We hate everyone who disagrees with us.

Honestly, most of us, especially in the millennial generation, have stopped fighting gay marriage. We may fundamentally disagree with it, but it’s certainly not a banner many of us care to carry anymore. Also, most of us, myself included, have dear friends on both sides of the aisle. Is it a little refreshing to some times spend time with people who agree with you? Of course, but only having friends who don’t challenge you make for some really boring times. I cherish the friendships I have with people who are liberal, non-Christian, gay, and so many other things that I am not. Variety is the spice of life, and I like to have a very spicy life.

We’re all wealthy.

Nope. We just happen to realize that a strong economy helps everyone, not just the wealthy. Personally, at the salary I was at for many years as a teacher, it made sense for me to value a more progressive-style tax system. However, I always knew that my situation was temporary and I’d be in a better financial situation later. Even if we’re not necessarily wealthy, I do, however, think that conservative tend to be driven career-wise (not to say that liberals aren’t!) and know that it’s up to them, not government entitlements, to give them a better life. Comfort and luxury are earned and you have to work for them.

There you have it. Thanks for giving this little post a read. Did I miss any other myths? Feel free to leave it in the comments! Know that the comments are moderated, so please keep it friendly :).

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2 People reacted on this

  1. Thank you for this! I just recently realized my own conservatism and am spreading the truth as much as possible! I wish I wasn’t so late to the game.

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