Posted on: May 10, 2022 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 1
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I’ll admit it. In the years since I’ve lived in DC as an unmarried 30-something I have become a *teensy* bit more liberal. This is, of course, compared to the idealistic and painfully naive 21 year old that I had been. While people who know me well might know the inner workings of my mind, the truth is that the only real difference with me and my opinions is my compassion.

Being in DC sheds a *lot* of light on controversial issues and brings its residents face to face with a wide swath of opinions. What used to be black and white issues to me have become a bit grayer. Do I think every gay person is going to hell? Um, no. Are people who are *gasp* fornicating going to mount a down elevator upon their demise? Maybe, but I’m not the one to say. I cringe when I read Facebook memories from that time in my life. Between gay marriage, premarital sex and the use of contraception, I had OPINIONS. These opinions, of course, did nothing but make me look like a weirdo and ostracize me even more.

And I apologize to anyone who thought I was a kook. Because I was.

Considering this enlightenment of sorts, many have asked me if my opinions on these (and other) issues have changed.

Sorry to break it to you, leftists, but they have not.

The reaction even from moderates regarding the Supreme Court leak has been extremely disheartening to me and there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding. Today I thought I’d share a few things about why I have always and will always be Pro Life.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it’s *really* not that difficult to prevent pregnancy.

Speaking from a totally secular perspective, there are dozens of contraceptive options out there, both hormonal (which could give you cancer, but that’s a story for another time) or non-hormonal. There are natural ways (ahem) that don’t involve contraception. All those things considered, yes, it’s still remotely possible to get pregnant. What’s a girl to do in that case?

Wait for it.

Don’t have sex.

I know this is rather pollyanna-ish to insinuate but it *can* be done. Is it ideal? Of course not, especially if you’re married or with a long term partner. While abstinence-only education might be idealistic in many ways, teaching young people (or people who do not have financial means for a baby, etc.) that it IS possible to abstain from sex is a great message. A LOT of people just assume that it’s a must-do in any relationship.

A general rule of thumb? If you are in a situation in which it would be absolutely devastating to bring a baby to term, focus on getting to know your significant other in other ways. It truly can be done.

Those Pro-Life Clinics? Yeah, those are legit.

Pro-Abortion activists love to say that Pro-Life people are only “pro-birth.” Excuse my French but that’s bullshit. I’ve seen firsthand how helpful these clinics and pregnancy resource centers are. When I was working at the restaurant last summer, one of our very young servers had a 1-year-old was was struggling financially. I connected her with a local resource center and let’s just say that those ladies rose to the occasion. The server was connected with diapers, social workers, job placement, childcare help, etc. It was beautiful to see.

Recently in the DC area, a local Pro-Life clinic was vandalized with the words “fake clinic.” This clinic just so happens to provide prenatal care, ultrasounds AND connections to resources once the baby is born including supplies, etc. or adoption options.

Many Pro-Choice people don’t have a clue what they’re advocating for.

While phrases like “it’s a woman’s choice!” sounds nice in theory, they’re completing forgetting about the other side of the equation–the baby. Abortion is a beyond barbaric procedure. Don’t believe me? Watch THIS before you start throwing out outlandish opinions about something that you haven’t fully researched.

*If* Roe vs. Wade is overturned, it will NOT eradicate abortions in most states.

Relax, folks. For as much as I hate abortion and wish it would be completely eradicated, the screaming lunatics over this Supreme Court leak have lost their ever-loving minds. Again, do your research. If you, like me, live in Maryland, your “healthcare” choices will not change one iota. Same for the majority of states.

I just so happen to love the democratic process and you should too.

Even the pro-abortion Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not like the way Roe v Wade went about. It was a court ruling that basically passed policy, which is the legislative branch’s job. Had Roe v Wade been codified by the U.S. Congress, this would be a very different conversation… But it didn’t and for good reason. State governments have the right to make decisions about what is and is not legal in their own states. We saw this firsthand during Covid. While I certainly whined about the ways Maryland (specifically MoCo) was kooky, not once did I insinuate that the Federal Government, even under Trump, should step in. It’s not their job!

The biggest abortion mill, Planned Parenthood was founded on racism.

… and they’ve done a very good job of covering it up by removing links, etc. Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger wrote in a 1939 letter about her so-called “Negro Project,” “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Furthermore, there is a huge overlap with the logic behind Nazism and Planned Parenthood’s origins.

Abortion is a human rights issue

Notice I didn’t talk about religion? That was very intentional. While I would consider myself a religious person overall, the crux of the abortion issue is not as much religious for me as it is ethical. While it is all sugar-coaty to paint abortion as strictly a women’s issue, it’s taking one (sometimes even 2-3) person out of the equation–the baby.

Yes, I’m still Pro Life and will always be.

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1 people reacted on this

  1. Loved the way you wrote this!!!!! & enjoyed reading it! Love being able to expand my knowledge & be able to see beyond “woman’s rights being revoked”

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