Posted on: January 16, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 0
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A quick housekeeping note- I’ll be adding the Pinterest image to the bottom of my posts from now on. I don’t like how word-y my homepage was looking. If you want to pin anything (and I hope you do!), the image is down below:). Now onto the post…

I mentioned briefly in Tuesday’s post that depression and anxiety run in my family, so I do everything I can to ward it off. People sometimes get a little testy with me what I say that, so I’d like to make a disclaimer- you can’t always “ward it off.” Mental illness is a condition often based in a chemical imbalance and no matter how much you exercise, wish it away and pray, it’s still there. Fortunately for me, what I’m going to recommend here works 99% of the time. However, I also understand that that is not always the case for everyone.

Now that 2020 is in full swing, allow me to share some great ways to make the winter blues a little less blue.


This goes without saying, but the psychological benefits of exercise are innumerable. I used to have pretty consistent panic attacks but since working out at Orange Theory on a regular basis, I’ve had exactly zero. I will also say that I’ve had a major lifestyle change and no longer work for a sociopath, so that helps as well.

Get Outside

Another thing that it really helpful is just getting outdoors. On days when I’m at work in Annapolis and things are stressful, I’ll just step away from my desk for a bit and walk down to the water. Just being outside, even if it’s freezing, makes a huge difference. If I’m at home, I’ll take the dogs for a quick walk and being in the sunshine, even if it’s hiding behind grey clouds, makes a world of difference.

Bake Something

If you know me, you know that when there are fresh-baked cookies, I’m perhaps under a bit of stress. For me, the satisfaction of putting work in to making something delicious is so satisfying that I’m often in a much better mood when it’s all done. One thing that does not put me in a good mood when it comes to baking, though, is over-eating the goods. SO, my little tip for preventing that is to have one or two fresh out of the oven (obviously) and then put the rest in your car, preferably your trunk, so you can’t access them. Bring them to work, deliver them to a friend, whatever… But if binging is on your temptation list, don’t make yourself more stressed out by putting the loot in front of you. It can only make things worse!

Hang out with animals

I have two dogs and I seriously attribute my sanity to them. Sure, they’re a lot of work, but being with my boys makes me so happy. I know not everyone has two joyful little furry dudes in their home, so volunteering with an animal shelter, getting a side gig as a dog walker, or just hanging out with a pal’s pups or cats (if that’s your thing…) can make a world of difference.

Read Something Beautiful

Fun little fact about me is that I’m actually a Reading Specialist by trade, so one might say that I’m a little booky. One issue I’ve had with the books that are coming out lately for children, young adults and adults is that they’re more than slightly sterile and not at all displaying a beauty of literature. While reading might help to alleviate anxiety, what you read is especially important. I recently spoke to a very interesting scholar who was making the argument that the fantasy craze in “literature” is perhaps fueled by the fact that people have lost a meaning of home and I completely agree.. Anyway before I go off on even more of a tangent, my personal favorites are To Kill and Mockingbird and Jane Eyre.

FaceTime (don’t just call) A Friend (or your Mom)

While talking certainly has its merits, there is something so great about “seeing” someone, especially if they’re far away. I have my two best friends from high school who are still in Ohio; my college besties are in Texas, Arizona, Kentucky and Virginia; my parents are in Ohio and my sister, BIL and nephew are in Florida. Even though I don’t see any of them in person a ton, I do like to “see” them on FaceTime and when I do, my mood is immediately lifted.

I hope you found these little tips helpful and that 2020 is the least anxious year yet! Have a great weekend, everyone!

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