Posted on: March 5, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 0
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If I can selfishly cite one positive thing about the whole coronavirus sha-bang, it’s that I am no longer viewed as that weirdo germaphobe. What has been my normal routine of sanitizing, scrubbing, and cleaning some more, is now viewed as “cautious” and “healthy” rather than “psychotic” and “OCD.” I feel very validated.

I will have all you formerly judgy betches know that I, for one, don’t have an OCD diagnosis AND guess what? I almost never get sick. If I do get sick, it’s typically only for a day or two because I am a clean human. If you are looking to boost your immune system THIS is everythinggggg. Between the Immunity Booster and a healthy lifestyle, I’m confident I will ward off any and all coronavirus!!! Huzzah!

While things like your hands are an obvious thing you need to keep clean, here I’ll talk about some others that maybe you haven’t thought of. Happy Thursday!

Your steering wheel

If you think for one nanosecond that just because you took your car to get detailed a month ago that your steering wheel is still clean, think again. All you need to do it take a disinfecting wipe to it one time and you’ll learn very quickly that you’re wrong. Steering wheels are disgusting and a hotbed of germs. I keep some of these in my side door and am often spotted giving my steering wheel, gear shift, radio, seat warmer switch, and start button a little polish whilst at red lights. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

Makeup brushes

Your makeup brushes are in your hands, right? And they’re on your face, right? Uh huh. They might not be a hotbed for germs in the same way that, say, old dental floss is but they are a hotbed for dead skin cells, which can grow tiny, invisible fungus and mold. Not exactly the best for keeping a clean complexion, huh? Give your brushes a weekly scrub down with your regular hand soap (THIS is my favorite and it’s on crazy sale now) after you’ve done your makeup (because you can’t use wet brushes) and let them dry until you need them the next day.


Hopefully this goes without explaining, but stick your toothbrush in the dishwasher, making sure it’s on “sanitize” at least every other week. Replace your toothbrush completely every six weeks. Because, ew.

Credit cards/Metro cards

Have you ever thought about how many times you (and others) touch these puppies? You pass your card to a waitress at a restaurant. The bouncer checks your ID (ah, the good old days…). You scan your Metro card to exit the Metro (yes, non DC people, you read correctly) after you’ve been on a grubby train. It’s actually really grody when you think about it. Take a disinfecting wipe to them every other day or so.

Your cell phone

Are you done thinking I’m just cautious and on to thinking I’m just plain psycho? You’ll thank me after you don’t get coronavirus.

Ah, the grandaddy of them all. Your phone. If you talk on it the good old-fashioned way (like, up to your face), your makeup gets on it. If you don’t, odds are you handle it ALL the time. I disinfect mine every single night and grimy stuff comes off of it each and every time. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself.

Your keyboard

Especially if someone else uses your computer on the reg. Anything that you touch on a frequent basis should be cleaned on a frequent basis. Just give it a nightly wipe with these cloths (here they are again!) before leaving for the day and you’re good to go.

Your purse

I’m not going to tell you how to clean it, but I will refer you to some place that will HERE you go. Think about how many places your purse goes: in your car, to the restroom, on the floor of your office… Yeah, it gets grimy. Don’t ever put it on your kitchen table. Or on the bathroom floor. Ew.

Anyway, I hope everyone is staying healthy and happy! Have a great day!

*This post contained affiliate links

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