Posted on: May 22, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 2
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Happy Friday everyone! Sorry this post is a day late. So far in 2020, I’ve been religiously posting every single Tuesday and Thursday and this one took a bit longer to come together than I was expecting. Also, I took a quick, last-minute trip (all for a fun reason!) that I’m sure you’ll get to hear all about soon.

Because of this last minute trip, I am having to reevaluate my monthly expenses. One major achilles heel I have is when it comes to clothes shopping. I love good deals and I love having options in my closet. Ever since reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, though, I realized that I needed a detox on both my actual closet as well as how I shop. While I’ve certainly improved in this area, every so often I like to do an intentional halt on all things clothes shopping. A few years ago, I took an entire year off and it was a wonderful experience. This time, I’m only going to do six months.

Why “fasting?”

I could use the words halt, freeze, hiatus, whatever, but I like using the word fasting because it makes me more intentional about it when I do. Fasting for religious reasons have been around forever. Fasting for dieting reasons have been around for the past five minutes. Either way, I like the word because it signifies something that cannot be broken. A fast has a timeframe. The timeframe needs to be upheld. It can be done.

Why now?

I potentially have a big purchase coming up that I’m SO excited about, but it’s going to take a hit to my monthly budget and I need to free up as much as I can. I know it will all be for a good reason, but in the meantime, it’s going to sting a bit.

Join me in my shopping fast!

That’s right, I want you to come along this journey with me. Starting on June 1, I will not be buying another garment of clothing new (I’ll include caveats below) again until December 1. Fortunately I took major advantage of the quarantine sales (including SIX Loft sweaters for $8 each. Yeah.), so I’m definitely set for a while. In order to keep me accountable, though, I’m starting a free Facebook group for those of you who want to join me! Here are the rules:

Join my Facebook group and be encouraged!

I love being in Facebook groups and the discussions that come from them. It won’t cost a thing and I promise I won’t try to sell you anything. It’s an accountability group. That’s it. You’ll have to answer a few qualifying questions but I can’t wait to go through this with you! I’ll also be doing weekly check-ins through Facebook Live to help keep everyone accountable.

Unsubscribe to EVERY single store that has you on their email list.

Yup, that’s right. You can always go back on after this is all over, but the “Summer Sale” and “Memorial Day Sale” and “Fourth of July Sale” and “Back to School Sale” emails can be VERY alluring and you just might tell yourself that maybe just this once…

Do a closet detox.

Because of COVID, a lot of places aren’t accepting donations at the moment, so stick everything that you want to get rid of in a garbage bag in a place that you won’t see it often until you can ship it out. Be cognizant of the types of clothes that you’re getting rid of. I came to the realization a few years ago (when blazers were all the rage) that I am not, and will never be, a blazer person. Shopping fasts can also help to hone your style and really appreciate what you do have. If you haven’t read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, now would be a great time!

You may shop between now and June 1.

But, c’mon, this is a financial boot camp of sorts. Get shopping out of your system, but don’t go buck wild.

During the six months, you may rent or borrow clothes.

Fortunately most of us have friends who are the same size as us, so if you have an occasion/vacation (remember those?)/whatever, feel free to borrow clothes. If still can’t borrow what you need, Rent the Runway has awesome options and their unlimited plans, especially during your trial month. We have a wedding in Cancun this summer, and I just might be utilizing this!

You may also thrift.

I personally am not a fan of thrifting. I was a germaphobe long before it was cool, and the fact that another human being that I don’t know sweated in clothes that I’m now wearing grosses me out. If I know the person (see point above), that’s different.. But I’m not a fan of the idea when I don’t know that person. That being said, minimal thrift shopping does not break the rules of this fast.

And have clothes altered.

So you lost weight? Awesome! All of your clothes still work, so just take them to your local tailor to make them fit. Easy peasy and it’s a more environmentally-friendly option.

Unmentionables don’t count either.

If the elastic on your granny panties go, dontcha worry. You can still buy them during this time.

Shoes/accessories are up to you.

I personally won’t be buying any because I have a ton of good ones that I want to maximize. However, if you want to keep this open, there are no rules against it :).

Do another clothes detox when the six months is up.

You’ll be amazed at how few of your clothes you actually wear on a regular basis AND how many are added to the rotation that wouldn’t otherwise be when you can’t shop. Be aware of what you wear and what you avoid wearing but keep “because you should.”

Be ready to buy an awesome new dress/suit for Christmas/Hanukkah/December parties because you EARNED IT!

Part of the fun of my shopping fast from the last go-around was planning what I could buy in the months ahead. It made me SUPER intentional once I was able to shop again and I hope it will help with you all too!

I can’t wait to “see” you all on the Facebook group!!!

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