Posted on: March 5, 2018 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 0
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Hopefully this week (I’m still waiting for content approval–long story), I’m starting a new series called Side Hustle Spotlight.  Here I’ll explore specific side hustles, interview people who actually do them, and help you find your best one!

I know I have mentioned why you should get a side hustle many, many times here, but I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about why they are so important for millennials.  A side hustle (aka just a good ol’ part time job in addition to your full time day job) can be super flexible if you want it to be.  Obviously, your full time job needs to take priority, but side hustles can be a great way to supplement your income.  Around 50% of millennials have side hustles, so if you’re the half that doesn’t, here is your guide to finding one that suits you.

It’s not unusual to not be happy with your day job salary.  Even if you are, but find yourself not being able to afford the things you want to do, donate to causes you care about, or buy the things you want, maybe it’s time to consider a side hustle.  The thing that is cool about the side hustle is that it is typically not used to make ends meet.  Instead, side hustles are typically used to afford the “gravy” items of life, like vacations, nicer cars, or spa days.  Have I gotten your attention yet? Some other things people use side hustles for is to aggressively pay off debt or put away more for a down payment.  All in all, they’re a win/win situation.

Remember that there is an abundance of money out there, and there is no reason that you shouldn’t have what you need.  If you haven’t read You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth, stop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and buy it.  Being broke is a mindset, and this book can really help you rise above the things you thought were impossible.  I will also say that, if you want to make as much as possible, nothing is below you.  Seriously.  If you’re salaried, there is only so much you can make at your day job on a given day.  If you need to make more money, I don’t care how many Ph.Ds you might have, you are not above dog walking, babysitting, or burger flipping on the side.

Consider what you love.  A side hustle should be fun, and many people I have talked to absolutely LOVE their side hustles.  Answer this question- If you have a 100% free Saturday, what would you prefer to do?

  • Shop?  Consider a side gig at a retail store so you can not only earn money, but get a nice employee discount.
  • Hike? Try dog walking! (psst, use my code Brittany3203 if you want to be a Wag walker!)
  • Eat out? Get a job as a part time weekend cook at your favorite restaurant.  You’ll had the added bonus of learning some amazing recipes.
  • Peruse the farmer’s market? See if your favorite farm stand needs extra help..  Often you’ll get some free veggies out of the deal!
  • Sight see?  Try driving for Uber or delivering for UberEats.  I’ll talk more about these specifically at another time, but I know several people who have done these and love it.

Consider timing.

Can you adhere to a regularly scheduled side gig, or do you need flexibility?  If you need flexibility, consider an app-based side hustle (Uber, UberEats, Task Rabbit, Wag, InstaCart), where you can work when you want to work.

Consider how much do you need to make.

Even though the app-based businesses are great for their flexibility, often the hourly pay isn’t as great as say, tutoring or even babysitting.  If you need to make more money per hour and can adhere to a regular schedule, maybe something like this might be the way to go.

That’s about all I have for you today.  Stay tuned for some in-depth looks at some of the best side hustles out there.  Do you have a side hustle that wasn’t mentioned here?  Comment below!  I’d love to interview you about it!

Happy New Week!!!

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