Posted on: June 18, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 1
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Today I’m starting a new blog category called Entrepreneur Life. A blogger I follow was talking about imposter syndrome and I realized I’m the WORST with this. From watching her stories, I realized I too have some serious imposter syndrome and just need to own one important fact–I am an entrepreneur and you just may be one too.

Every quarter, my colleagues and I read some kind of professional development book. My absolute favorite in our little book club was Hug Your Customer which was written by the owner of a fancy department store called Mitchell’s in Connecticut that serves some of the country’s wealthiest. In summary, Jack Mitchell gives examples of how he “hugs” his customers at Mitchells, gaining loyal customers for a lifetime.

I work in sales at my 9-5 and am constantly trying to think of new ways to continue to grow my relationship with the “partners” that I serve. For my reading intervention clients, I am beyond grateful for them and love showing them that! Especially now, I am grateful for all people I work with and their willingness to keep meeting even during the pandemic. While the purpose of “side hustles” is not to be income that you necessarily rely on, it does take a major hit when it comes to a screeching halt.

So today I thought I would show you some ways to “hug your customer.” If you don’t have any customers or clients yet, read on. Often sending prospective clients a thank you card for their time is all it takes to get them on board.

Why “hugging” is so important

If you’re in the type of field that relies on consumers (as most of us are), they are, quite literally, the reason you have a job right now. Expressing your gratitude is not only a nice touch but something that you need to be doing on a regular basis. Your customers are the only thing standing in between you an unemployment, which is a real risk these days.

You know how great it is to go to your regular watering hole and the bartender knows your drink order? Feeling known is what keeps people coming back. Make knowing your customers a priority right now.

Some fun ideas:

A pretty card


This is obviously the simplest of the “hugs,” but often the most effective. When I’m writing a card to a client, I’ll often slip in a bag of tea to fancy it up a little bit. It costs almost nothing and who doesn’t love some snail mail?

A personalized journal/notebook


I don’t know a living soul who wouldn’t LOVE getting one of these. In the grand scheme of things, it costs almost nothing and is just fantastic. Everyone in the business world writes notes to themselves even if they don’t keep a formal journal. I just think these are so chic.

A local spice jar

If you’re like me, your clients aren’t all local. Sending a little love from your neck of the woods is so fun and usually very affordable. I’ve sent jars of Old Bay before since my office is in Annapolis.

Ice Cream

I was basking in gratitude for my reading clients one Saturday afternoon so I texted them all to make sure they were home and ran to the grocery store to buy decadent ice cream that they likely wouldn’t buy for themselves. Before I went to the store, I wrote out cards that said, “Here’s to a sweet weekend! Thanks for all your support!” and drove around delivering the goods. Obviously this was for local people but places like Jeni’s (and Ohio company… just sayin’) does ice cream delivery all over the country that, while pricey, would really make your customer feel very appreciated!

A gift card from a local coffee shop

While everyone loves a Starbucks gift card, dare I say it’s even more fun to give a gift card from the recipient’s local coffee joint. I met with a client in Austin one time at Summer Moon Coffee (SO good) and sent him a gift card to it months later as a follow up. It shows the person that you aren’t just sending bulk gifts (Starbucks gift cards comes in packets of ten for a reason…) and are really being more thoughtful with it.

Have you ever received a corporate gift that you just loved? This is dumb but I got a can gripper that I use ALL the time and love it. I would love to read all about your favorites in the comments! Have a great weekend, friends!

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