Posted on: March 4, 2019 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 0
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Sorry for my radio silence. To put it mildly, Word Press was not cooperating with me, and I came very close to throwing my computer against a wall.

I have an eclectic book taste, to say the least. Honestly, if someone I like recommends a book, it’s very likely I’ll read it. What I’m not as good at is just finding books on my own. I seek out recommendations and fly through them at lightening speed.

It’s also no secret that I keep a very tight schedule and am a very busy lady. All but one of these books were “read” via audiobook because, in short, I’m in my car a lot and don’t have a ton of time to sit and read. So, audiobooks it is.

I don’t do Good Reads, but if I did, these would all be five-star books. Love them.

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine Love, love, loved this novel. Eleanor is a slightly disturbed 30-something who is mulling her way through adulthood when she has a chance encounter that changes her life forever. This book tells the age-old tale of the importance of friendship and human interaction and is just an all-around sweet story.

The Silent Patient Creepy story. So good. Major twist. Love books like that. This is a thriller that you don’t necessarily know is a thriller the whole time. It’s a page turner for sure, but not necessarily in a stereotypical way. Highly recommend.

An Anonymous Girl: A Novel I couldn’t stop reading this one because it’s not until the very end that you start to realize where it’s going. Broke makeup artist signs up to be a psychological test subject and gets a little too entwined withe the psychologist conducting the study. It’s a crazy story, but so interesting.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz This is definitely my favorite on the list. It’s technically historical fiction, but is based on a real story from in-person interviews. And wow. To say that this story in unbelievable in so many ways would be an understatement, but it’s all true. Incredible story.

A Walk in the Woods I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard at a book. This is a memoir of a guy who hikes the Appalachian Trail with his frenemy who he lived in Europe with. His way with words is nothing short of hilarious and I can’t recommend this easy, light read enough.


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